These are previous events we have held over the last few years. Check them out!
December The November Thanksgiving Parade, Club Christmas Party, and the
Christmas Lights Tour were all a resounding success! The report is
November Report and photos from Scottsdale Polo Championships, Cub Scout
Braves Pow Wow, and 2021 British Vintage Voyage.
October Mesa Marketplace Charity Car Show was a real success!
September MINIs at Hampton Court. AMO member's report from his visit.
July This year the Annual BBQ was held early - a great fun meeting
of members.
January This newsletter describes in notes and pictures the following events:
thru May - Classic Mini Tech/Repair Session (Sat, February 13th)
- Pancakes In The Park (Sun, February 21st)
- Fun Observation Tour (Sun, March 7th)
- Tempe Motorsports Day (Sat, April 10th)
- Spring Into summer Rally(Sun, April 25th)
December Club Christmas Party and 26th Holiday Lights Tour
November Drive-In Movie Night was a great evening (despite it turning cold!)
October Pizza In The Park in lieu of our monthly meeting.
May Graduation Drive-by for a Senior daughter of one of our members.
Feb & March Reports from Motoring thru Time, Pancakes in the Park,
Classic Mini Tech Day & Highland Games.
January Landmark Rally (with a "bird" theme)
December Christmas Club Party and Winterhaven Festival of Lights Tour, Tucson
November Thanksgiving Day Parade
October British Vintage Voyage #21 was a real success!
September Mesa MarketPlace Show for the AZ Humane Society went
really well - a record number of walk-ins, fun auction and
great weather!
August No report.
July The group dinner at Mount Athos Greek Restaurant in Florence, AZ
was a great success!
June Check out "How to read English Number Plates" - a fun history!
May Treasure Hunt
April Retromobile Classic Car Show in Paris, France, and
MINI of Tucson Rally to Sonoita - photos here
March Scottish Highland Games - photos & results
February Pancakes-in-the-Park & Classic MINI Tech Session
January Treasure Hunt and news from two overseas member events:
- Auto & Technik Museum, Speyer, Germany, and,
- A MINI Car Show, Tangerang, Indonesia with an
in-depth story written by the photographer here.
December Christmas Party, Lights Rally & Prescott Gingerbread Village
November Thanksgiving Day Parade
October British Vintage Voyage #20 and an additional report
September Mesa Market Place Charity Car Show
August Silverstone Classic
May British Car Days at Las Cruces NM & Wellness Clinic
April Spring into Summer Rally
March Pancakes in the Park & Highland Games
February Preparations for Highland Games at Steele Park
January Classic MINI Tech Session
December Thanksgiving Day Parade, Holiday Lights Rally, &
November MINI Money Auction
October British Vintage Voyage #19